Dream holiday or nightmare! An overview of the property time-sharing control act and the vacational ownership / time-share industry. Part 1

This article broadly looks at property time-share and the legislation regulating it. The problems and complaints by consumers trapped in the empty and misleading promises advertised to them by the time-share industry are also addressed. In part one, the article gives a broad outline of what the Property Time-Sharing Control Act entails and specific definitions […]

Share disposals: Calculating SARS’s slice

How to work out the taxable capital gain when disposing of share investments One of the underlying principles of Capital Gains Tax (CGT) is that a capital gain is normally determined as being the difference between the proceeds on sale of an asset, less the so-called ‘base cost’. Calculating the base cost is therefore critical […]

How to object to your income tax assessment

You and SARS are entitled to have a difference of opinion This article, which was originally published in the May 2014 issue of Tax Breaks, has been updated to take later developments in SARS’ processes (and e-filing functionality) into account. YOU’VE GOT your tax return in on time, and your tax practitioner told you that […]